That tan corduroy blazer, once worn by Bill Murray in the Royal Tenenbaums, will be seen again on Mr. Fox next week—over Mr. Fox’s fur, to be accurate. How is that to add to the quirky specificity in Wes Anderson's movies? If Grace Kelly’s clothes in Rear Window gave her an identity, as commented by Wes Anderson, the corduroy blazer seemed to have become a symbol of his distinctiveness in real life. Like a stopped fashion watch, the blazer had the occurring appearances in many occasions including the Sartorialist last year.
In the Royal Tenenbaums, Richie always dresses in his tennis gear and Margot always wears barrettes. Same style goes to Wes Anderson’s casting for his movies—always in the lists are Owen Wilson, Bill Murray, and Jason Schwartzman—even as the voices—American accent is okay since the animals in England don’t speak. Style is all about consistency after all, isn’t it? Eight years after the Royal Tenenbaums, Wes Anderson is still wearing that tan corduroy blazer. It's not the same suit, though, he told the Gardian. “They last a couple of years. I have a guy who makes them specially for me. They're very inexpensive and I can just call him up and say, can I have another one please?”
BTW, I’m still looking for a knee-length striped Lacoste dress that Margot had.
only style remains the same